Monday, January 9, 2012

Picnic in the Park

We had a picnic at the park! The weather was absolutely beautiful and we just couldn't pass up the opportunity to enjoy it. We packed a quick lunch and took Preston's tricycle to the park. I pushed Preston to the park on his bike and noticed for the first time he was moving his legs with the up and down motion of the pedals. He's getting there! I just can't wait for him to learn to ride his bike. He'll love it - I'm almost certain! I was a little hopeful that after we ate lunch I could teach him to actually ride his bike around the park. There is a nice big open sidewalk area that would be perfect to learn on but instead he insisted on pushing his bike around the park himself. We drew with chalk, played ring-around-the-rosie, then Preston played in the dirt. He's all boy!

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