Sunday, January 15, 2012

Big Boy Bed

Helping set up his big boy bed!

We set up Preston's big boy bed on Saturday. Here goes nothing! I am guessing naps will be pretty non-existant now since he was already hard to put down at naptime anyways. At least before even if he didn't sleep he was trapped in his crib for a quiet time. The last two days since we set up his bed he has just played around in his room or come out repeatedly.

However, he did sleep in his big boy bed all last night! He didn't come out once after we put him down for the night and we didn't hear a peep out of him all night. He was so proud this morning when he woke up that he had slept in his big boy bed.


Ryan said...

What a big boy! You are BRAVE!!!! Way to go Preston!

Stoddard Family said...

If he keeps coming out of his room during nap time, get a door onkey lock. It's the best product ever and has kept my sanity and my kids taking naps or at least quiet time in their rooms.