Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ewww! Gross!

Preston continues to suprise me with the things that he puts in his mouth. The things he used to do like licking our hard wood floor or the soles of our shoes don't seem half as bad anymore. A trip to the park never goes without a handful of sand, dirt or bark in his mouth. I can deal with that. But, over the last few weeks he has reached an even greater level of "grossness". Now he lays down on the dirt and licks at it with his tongue. Oh boy! I was utterly disgusted when two days in a row at the park I realized the thing Preston had just snuck in his mouth was rabbit poop. Luckily he didn't swallow it. Then there was the time that he stuck his finger in the sludge (rain, dirt, grass) mixture that collected in the little hole of the electrical box on the grass and licked it. Ooops. And then, the other day I saw him stick something in his mouth. When I fished it out and examined it closer I realized it was a poor snail that he had crushed with his teeth. Ewww! Gross! Preston just giggled at my reaction.

Does all this just mean Preston is building his immune system? And in my defense to those of you who are thinking, "Where was his mom during all of this?" I was right next to him. It happens faster than you think and when you have a little sneaky boy on your hands who picks something up, examines it and then runs away as he puts it in his mouth it's really hard to stop.

1 comment:

The Jacobsons said...

Jaime I thoroughly enjoyed this post! You are not alone, lil boys are gross for sure, but I guess that's what makes them little boys! Love you guys.