Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Hi Daddy"

Nate is deep into his busy season, which means he is working long hours. During the week Preston is asleep by the time Nate gets home and still asleep by the time Nate leaves in the morning.  Needless to say, we weren't seeing much of Nate and then we took a trip to Boise for two weeks.

The day we got back I decided to drive into the city to meet Nate for a quick dinner. I told Preston we were going to say "Hi to Daddy". Before driving into the city we ran some errands. All over Lowe's Preston kept waving at people and saying "Hi Daddy". It was so cute. He was so excited to see Nate.

The next day Preston kept saying, "Hi Daddy" all over the house. On Saturday morning Nate was still in bed when I got up to get Preston. As I was finishing up a few things in his room, Preston bolted out the door and made a beeline for our bedroom as he usually does every morning. I don't think he saw Nate in bed at first but then he did. He came running out of the room so fast with the biggest smile on his face saying, "Hi Daddy". I think he was coming to tell me that Nate was home. I could see just how excited he was. It melted my heart. Nate left for work shortly afterwards since he's been working weekends too. Ahh - we can't wait for this busy season to be over and to have our daddy back.


Alex said...

Great story. Melts my heart! Good luck getting through this season!

Jenny said...

So cute! I can't believe he's talking! I forget the last time we saw you guys was when Afton was born, and that was 7 months ago

Kristen Parnell said...

He has the cutest face. Oh man, everytime i think "I need a vacation," I have to tell myself, "No...Jaime needs a vacation!" Maybe I can just come with you on your vacation.
Doesn't help because I don't, but always wishing I could live next door...