Sunday, September 12, 2010

Some of Our Favorite Things

A week or two ago we bought a new toy, the Kodak Play Sport, which is a video recorder similar to the Flip. We have had a lot of fun recording Preston's newest adventures and some of his personality. Here are a few household favorites:

Doors and Door Stops - Preston's fascinated with them. He loves opening and closing them and hearing the vibrating sound the door stop makes.

Mowgli Crawl - Nate and I absolutley adore his crawl. We think it may be because we have wood floors that he doesn't like to put his knees down - or maybe not but we love it all the same.

Laughing - Preston has always been a ham, especially with strangers, but this past week I feel like he has really turned on the giggles. It makes me feel like the funniest person!

Kisses, Giggles and Rough Housing - Preston loves to wrestle around like a true boy and give kisses
(or more often bites that we affectionately call "love" bites but they still really hurt.)


1 comment:

Ashlee said...

These videos are AMAZING!!! Oh how I wish we lived closer so our boys could be friends. Miss you guys!