Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What We've Been Up To

Since Preston came home from the hospital we have been taking it easy, trying to adjust to the new life with a baby on board. The holidays were extremely low key but we loved spending time with our new little family. Luckily, Nate had from the time Preston was born until the start of the new year off. We sure loved having him at home. Preston's favorite sleeping place was in Nate's arms or on his chest. Boy, do we really miss him now that he's back to work!

We did manage to try to get a little geocaching in. There are a few caches hidden within a block or two of our home. Unfortunately, the day we went it was a little cold and we didn't find the cache before wanting to head back in. I guess the cache is a challenge for another day!

Preston also attended church for the first time. After letting out a few cries during the sacrament he fell asleep for the rest of the meeting. We hope every Sunday will be as easy but aren't naive enough to think it actually will. He looked so cute in his church outfit that my visiting teachers gave to me!


Lisa and Mark said...

congrats, guys! i feel it is my responsibility to inform everyone: if your baby cries a LOT, take a looksie in the diaper for some blood. our baby has a milk allergy, and the first few months were really hard, so i try to tell EVERYONE so they don't have to go through that, too.

so happy for you two! :)

Jacobson 'Ohana said...

He looks so cute in that little church outfit...and you're looking cute too. :)

Kristen Parnell said...

He is PRECIOUS! Can't believe you already went to church and geocaching-- what a machine! :) Can't wait to see that dude!

Annette said...

Preston looks like he's ready for the nursery.
You've sure got him off and going after a bit of a tough start!

Nikki Nelson said...

Preston is such a cute little guy! And you are looking fabulous! Esp for just having a baby!
I hope you are all doing good. I am so sorry for the rough start. My heart was breaking reading it. I was with my sister when she delivered one of her kids, and that child had a rough start, for the same reasons. It was so hard being with her, and nobody coming and giving us info. It's so rough leaving the hospital the first time, without baby in tow too.
I'm so glad that Preston is doing better, and hope that all these follow-ups with all the specialists will go well also.
Best wishes to you and your cute family,