Friday, September 5, 2008

365 Days Later

We made it! (Not that there was ever any doubt!) Nate and I celebrated our 1-year anniversary over Labor Day weekend. To commemorate the occassion we went to Monterey, CA for the weekend-- a place we have wanted to visit since moving here.

We loved the aquarium-a must see for Moneterey. We spent almost 4-hours looking at fish, touching various sea life in the tidal pools, watching the feeding in various tanks, etc.

On our trip we also explored the beautiful coast by taking a picnic to eat along the 17-mile drive. And, another day we rented bikes to ride to a lighthouse.

Monterrey was beautiful, especially with the renovated cannery buildings, which are now hotels and shops, lining the main street. I would have loved to see it back in its prime canning days!


Kristen Parnell said...

Congrats! I don't know if you counted months, but I did, and think it's so weird to now think that we're to years!! So old. That looked so beautiful-- Ken's talked about that aquarium before. Wow! Has seminary started?

Ashley said...

I can't believe it has been a year! I miss you guys!

meagan said...

Congrats on your one year and finishing the CPA exam! Looks like a great weekend in Monterey.

Christian and Stephanie said...

eCongrats! That looks beautiful! I'm thinking the 13 month anniversary you can come to St. Maarten:)

Nikki Nelson said...

Congrats on the one year anniversary! Dallas and I went to Monterey for our 1 yr anniversary. The aquarium is amazing, and I loved the 17 mile drive too. Looks like you guys had a fun weekend! Congrats again!