Monday, July 16, 2012

Bruneau Sand Dunes

While visiting my parents we went to Bruneau Sand Dunes, which is about an hour southeast of Boise. I was a little skeptical about hiking with the two kids and thought for sure we wouldn't last long. Nate carried Preston most of the way on his back in our backpack carrier. I carried Wade in the Becco. Surprisingly, we made it to the top of the largest sand dune. It was beautiful and we were both so glad we made the climb. I should also mention we hiked straight up. It was tough

Preston LOVED the sand. He could not wait to get his hands in it. He crawled in it, did snow angels in it, scooted through it, threw it - everything you could imagine. I think his favorite part was the freedom too. While Nate and I were still sitting at the top Preston took off down the mountain on his own. We didn't care because we could see him for a long distance, there was no place for him to go really and we could make it down the mountain so quickly after him.

After the hike we had a small picnic by the lake you can see in the background. Preston and Nate waded in the water to cool down. For the rest of the trip Preston kept asking if we could go back to the sand dunes. I should have known he would enjoy it so much.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I can't believe how big Preston is! That is so cute he was making snow angels in the snow. Glad you got to enjoy a long vacation with Nate, the boys, and your fam.