Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Memorial Day in Boise

Nate and I decided to take a last minute trip to Boise for Memorial Day Weekend. My sister and my nephew, Isaac, were visiting from Pittsburgh, PA and this was Preston's first opportunity to meet them. Preston and I were able to stay a little over a week in Boise while Nate came just for the weekend. It was a blast! My brother and his family even made the drive from Rexburg for a few days. It was an unofficial family reunion --minus my sister's husband, Bryce.

A lot happened while we were there:

There was lots of playing with Aunt Jen, Grandma and Grandpa and cousins

We spent some time at the Farmer's Market. You can see Isaac peeking at the bottom of the picture.

We toured the capitol building. Preston stayed home with Grandma.

We went on the Boise Trolley Tours to see Boise's historic sites

Preston had some quality time with Daddy

On the trolley tour

We went to the zoo for the first time with Preston and saw some giraffes - a new exhibit for Boise

Grandpa let Preston lick all kinds of new fruits. He loved grapes.

Preston tried solids for the first time. He doesn't like rice cereal!

Preston loved Jen's old jumper. I loved it too since I'm usually his jumper.

Can't wait to do it again!


Larsen's said...

Hey, Boise looks pretty fun! Looks like you had a wonderful time...

Jacobson 'Ohana said...

What a weekend! It was non-stop chaos...& fun. Glad you could were able to come.

Amy said...

Preston is getting so big! What a cutie! Thanks for the tips of things to do in Boise, Brian has family there, but we never know what to do there when we visit.