Sunday, February 10, 2008

EARLY morning seminary

This past week Jaime and I had the opportunity and challenge to teach early morning seminary to the High Schoool kids in the ward. The previous teacher moved and they asked us to fill in for a week to give them time to call a permanent teacher. I have a new found respect for the kids that come everyday and an appreciation for the fact that I went to seminary right after lunch when I was in high school. And I have an even greater respect for all the early morning seminary teachers out there, especially those who have a family and work full time.

The topic is the Old Testament, so we couldn't just wing it. For me, it was probably the first time I have read the stories of Saul, David, and Solomon since I was in seminary. Over the course of the last week Jaime and I have learned quite a few things.
  • No matter how righteous you are, there is always a chance you will make a mistake if you let your guard down.

  • You can be very powerful, even unstoppable, if you allow the Lord to guide your life.

  • The dress of choice for high school kids at 6 am is a hoody and sweats.

  • No matter how energetic you try to be in the morning, the energy never quite makes it to the students.

  • Gospel principles are best taught and learned in the home. Seminary should just be a supplement.

  • It is a little creepy to be wandering the hallways of a dark church at 5:45 am looking for homeless people who have been known to try to spend the night.

  • When teaching seminary during busy season, there is only time for 4 things. Eat, work, prepare a lesson, and sleep.

We had a great experience during the week, but needless to say we both indulged ourselves to an extended Sunday afternoon nap.

1 comment:

Kristen Parnell said...

Ouch... I've been thinking about all of the implications... how late and early and getting ready and getting enthusiastic.... you guys are better than me! Think it'd be such an amazing learning experience and have always kinda wanted to do it, but now that I'm liking sleep more and more.... maybe it'll have to wait until I'm older.... :)