Nate and I just got back from spending the weekend in Merced, CA with my sister, her husband, and their little boy. Bryce, my sister's husband, is doing one of his medical rotations in his hometown of Merced. The timing was perfect for various reasons and on a whim Nate and I decided to go visit. Jessica and I met up in Dublin on Thursday. I took the Bart and she drove from Merced. We spent the day shopping and came out empty handed, suprisingly enough, but we still had tons of fun. Nate drove out after work on Friday.
Saturday was a full day. We started out the day with a hike near Yosemite National Forest towards Hite Cove, where the wildflowers are in full bloom and very abundant. It was so beautiful! We had a lot of fun discovering all the species in the area. My favorite was the poppy with it's bright oranges, although there were many other beautiful ones as well.
The whole group.
Looking at the Wildflower Guide pamphlet
The "Chinese House" flowerAfter hiking we went out to Bryce's dad's property and went skeet shooting. We also tried our hand with a BB gun. My sister is a sharp shooter! Isaac, my nephew, laughed every time the rifle went off. It never got old to him! It was so funny! I tried my hand at throwing the skeets. It's a lot harder than it appears. After about 20 tries I think I barely got it out of the thrower. Bryce's dad also saddled up his horses for us and we went riding for a bit.
Nate Shooting the Rifle
Attempting to throw the skeet-notice that it is still in the thrower! My body is torqued funny because it didn't come out.
The "smiler"
Overall, we had a great weekend. If anything, it was too short! We hadn't seen our nephew since his baby blessing in December when he was a little over a month old. He has gotten so much bigger and is definitely a smiler.